Farm Offerings

Growing vegetables organically is how we began in 1991 and remains the heart of our work at New Town Farms. We grow and direct market a wide variety of vegetables spring, summer, fall, and winter on our 5 acres of growing fields and in our movable high tunnels. Through soil building methods such as composting, cover cropping, mulching, and the addition of natural amendments like rock powders and micronutrients, we work to facilitate a rich, healthy and balanced living soil as a basis for nutrient dense, full flavored vegetables. We then work to preserve the fullness of flavor and nutrition by harvesting the day of delivery or the day before market.
Due to our small scale we are able to give great care and attention to our soils; providing them the care and needed inputs to produce a much different vegetable than is possible on an industrial scale. Our direct and local only marketing enables us to get the vegetable to you while still full of life, flavor, and nutrition. It is a craftsman model; a family farmer on his beloved land seeking to grow the best food he can for the enjoyment and health of his family and neighbors.
Our vegetables are currently available at The Matthews Community Farmers' Market every Saturday morning and can be enjoyed onsite prepared by Chef Matt.

The Ossabaw Island Hog is a critically endangered breed from Ossabaw Island, Georgia. There is consensus that they were brought to the island by Spanish explorers. Recent genetic testing has shown strong relation to pigs on the Canary Islands, an important stop for Spanish explorers headed west. Since the hog is non-native and destructive to the island the island and other native species, a control and eradication program is now in place. To save this ancient breed, a selection of hogs were quarantined and brought to the mainland. Due to the concerns of the pork industry about disease transfer, the last Ossabaw hogs were transported in 2002. They are currently stewarded by a network of small farms who are keeping this valuable breed alive. To learn more see their bio.
The Ossabaw has many unique characteristics not present in today's industrial breeds or even other heritage breeds, The hogs that survived on the island developed a special ability to store fat, and that fat is special with an unctuousness that is hard to compare to anything else. They also bring sustainability traits such as adaptedness to warm climates and hardiness to flourish in free range systems.
New Town Farms maintains a small breeding herd of pure Ossabaw Island Hogs in our forestland. We butcher just a few every year which we sell to local chefs and at The Matthews Community Farmers' Market. We also have begun crossing the Ossabaw with other breeds to bring distinct qualities to our signature pork.

The life of our animals has been a priority at New Town Farms since we began in 1991. You are welcome to visit our farm and see first hand our animal husbandry. We want to give you an accurate consciousness of the life of our birds.
Our chickens are raised on pasture in movable pens to protect them from a host of predators. They are moved to fresh pasture twice daily to provide fresh grasses, insects, and a clean environment. They have fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and green matter; all the things we know are necessary for good health yet all the things denied an industrially raised chicken. They are allowed to be chickens roaming, eating greens, and scratching the ground for seeds and insects. With all the ingredients in place for a wholesome life our birds have no need for antibiotics or any medications.
Learn more about our poultry, what they eat, how we process them, and more here.

Since 1995 we have raised a small flock of Thanksgiving turkeys on our pastures more information here. We continue this tradition today raising about 150 Broad Breasted White turkeys on green grasses and Certified Organic Feed.
Every fall we process the flock on the farm the Monday of Thanksgiving week. You can pick up your reserved fresh (not frozen) turkey on the Farm or at The Matthews Community Farmers' Market.
To check availability and pricing, or reserve a Thanksgiving turkey please visit our store to make a deposit. We will contact you with confirmation, turkey updates, and pick up details through email.
To receive updates about our turkey's for 2023 please sign up for our mailing list.